As part of the 'journey' of a PhD student, we have regular examinations called vivas, to make sure that the study is progression as it should.
Initially, the registration viva taken in the first few months helps to establish the study: is there a need for this research?; is this research important?; has this research been done before?; can this research be done in the time-frame I have? etc... Once the study is established, I apply for ethical approval (see the link below).
The progression viva is a viva right in the middle of the PhD process, that enables the student to develop a chapter for the final thesis, and a report documenting the progression that has been made, along with a plan for the study going forward. Because of COVID-19, this was done at home via Zoom in May 2020. The study passed on the day and received very positive feedback about it's progress and plans going forward. Now time to raise a (socially distanced) glass!
