Hello - Thank you to those of you who have recently enquired about the study, please keep sharing it.
The aim of this research is to explore the experiences of male carers aged 35+ in North West England, to better understand how these roles can positively and/or negatively impact on the carer and their mental well-being. By asking you to take photographs that represent your feelings and tasks as a carer or simply as a man in society, the interview I conduct with you is much more in depth than a standard interview, and is lead by you!
Within this research, there will be specific focus on how masculinity, disadvantages (such as race, class or disability), and use of support services are linked with male caring roles. Bear this in mind when taking your photographs. Maybe take your photographs with a story or narrative in mind? Or simply take photographs that mean something to you? Or even with a timeline in mind for your lifeline or caring experience?
